How Dentists Are Like Jugglers

Dentists are a little like jugglers sometimes… They take on lots of tasks at once and then wonder why they drop the ball. And I’m speaking as a dentist with a bad habit of taking on too much stuff!  The #1 thing I have learned is that focusing on one thing rather than on many generates better […]

Our job: tap into your practice’s potential

 There are very few problems in a dental practice that more money can’t fix. Even if none of those apply to you, producing more (and keeping more for yourself) is a virtual guarantee of increased contentment at work. Money isn’t everything, but having more is a lot better than having less. And while there are […]

How Dentistry Became One Of The Hardest Jobs

If building a practice was so easy everyone would do it. I heard a story today about a dentist being sued by a recently-fired employee who claimed to have developed anxiety…As a result of getting fired. I really feel for this doctor. As if it’s not hard enough without having to deal with todays’ entitled workers. […]